1. Register with an institutional email address (avoid generic mail providers)
We encourage you to register with an institutional email address (e.g. provided by a university). If you already registered with another email address you can change your email address. We have very little spam from users having an institutional email address, and thus an institutional email address is a strong indicator that a submission is not spam. On the other hand, we have significant amount of spam coming from users using generic mail providers like gmail, outlook, yahoo and others. For help on how to create an account or change email address see:
2. Provide extensive metadata
The more information our automated spam detection system has available, the better decision the system can make. Thus please consider the following guidelines when filling in the metadata for your record:
- Title: Use specific and descriptive titles similar to how you would title a research paper. Avoid generic titles (like "Supplementary material" and too catchy/bait click titles like "10 ways to ...." ).
- Authors: Use proper human or organisational author names, provide affiliations and if possible ORCIDs for authors. See https://help.zenodo.org/docs/deposit/describe-records/creators/.
- Description/notes: Provide a specific and descriptive abstract/description on your record. Avoid very long abstracts and excessive linking to external resources. See https://help.zenodo.org/docs/deposit/describe-records/descriptions/.
- Related identifiers: Provide links to related research outputs - e.g. if depositing a dataset, provide a link to a paper using the dataset.
- Funding information: If depositing funded research, provide a link to the grant/award/funder for the research.
3. Add full name and affiliations to your user profile
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4. Check our guidelines on what we consider spam
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