Can you transfer a DOI registered via Zenodo to a different data repository?

Zenodo registers DOIs using the prefix "10.5281".  We automatically register a DOI in the 10.5281 DOI prefix when you publish a record on Zenodo (unless you provide an existing DOI).  The management of the DOI can be transferred to another data repository. The new repository must be a member of DataCite, and the repository must agree to update the DOI metadata and landing page once they receive the DOI.  

Note, once the DOI is transferred to the new repository, the record will be removed from Zenodo and it will not be possible to share the dataset on Zenodo again.

How do request transfer of a DOI?

Login to your Zenodo account which manages the record and open a new support request with the following required information:

Required information:
  • DOI (must start with 10.5281) you wish to transfer
  • DataCite repository ID of new repository (Zenodo's repository ID is "CERN.ZENODO").
  • Email address of a contact person at the new repository.
  • Confirmation you have prior agreement from the new repository that they will accept the transfer.
  • The support request must be made by logging into the Zenodo account which owns the record otherwise it will be declined.
  • You are responsible for moving the underlying data and metadata to the new repository.

Once we have received and validated the request we will request DataCite to move the DOI to the new repository. For further information see