Should I upload data and software in one or two records?

The granularity on which you decide how to upload your resources to Zenodo depends on multiple factors. You should consider the following:

  • Usage by end users: How do you intend the published material to be cited/downloaded by end-users? In some disciplines, researchers might prefer to download/cite parts of datasets (e.g. yearly data), while in other cases a single download is preferable.
  • Citations: There are cases where e.g. grant-awarded project reports or journal publishing platforms allow you to only specify a single DOI as a project deliverable or supplementary material. In this case, you can either upload everything under a single DOI, or check with them if it's fine to share a single object that is interlinked via metadata to the rest of the material (see below).

In case you decide on splitting your data into multiple Zenodo uploads you should also consider interlinking them via filling in the "Related identifiers" section of each record. A common use case would be when you publish the dataset/software that supplements a paper.